Twenty Four Seven 2-by-2

March 2019 : Puzzle

The grids above are incomplete. For each grid, place numbers in some of the empty cells so that in total the interiors of each grid contain one 1, two 2’s, etc., up to 7’s. Furthermore, within each grid each row and column must contain exactly 4 numbers which sum to 20. Finally, the numbered cells must form a connected region, but every 2-by-2 subsquare in the completed grid must contain at least one empty cell.

Numbers located along the outside of a grid indicate the first number that is “viewable” when looking into the grid along that row or column.

Once you have solved all four grids, compute their “sum”. (I.e., the 7-by-7 grid that is the coordinatewise sum of the interiors of the fourfinished grids. Each cell in the “sum” grid should necessarily contain an integer between 0 and 28, and each row and column should add up to 80. Treat blank cells as 0’s).

Submit the sum of the squares of the 49 numbers in this “sum” grid as the answer to this month’s puzzle.